Sunday 10 May 2009

Rock Dogs

Before Chris and I went down with the horrid colds that we are now suffering from, we took a trip down to the Fairy Isles at the end of a sea loch close to our house. It was windy but beautiful with the pink thrift in flower, new spring leaves on the trees and rich blue-green of the sea.

Chris took along his fishing rod which kept both him and the dogs occupied even though there were no bites on this occasion! The whizz of the line followed by the splash of the spinner was very exciting for the dogs. Luckily the water was a little too cold for them to get too enthusiastic!

Fox and Whisper tested their climbing skills on the rocky shoreline

and explored the fascinating new seaside smells among the sea weed. They were completely oblivious to the seals watching them just a short way off.

Unfortunately without my SLR and long lens I couldn't get good photos of the seals, so instead I tested the waterproof claims of my new work camera on these super brittle stars that were hiding in a rock pool.
The pooches weren't at all keen on coming home!


Ebonwald Cardigans said...

hey i have some of that thrift in my landscaped beds behind my house! COOL! Does it grow native there?

Gone2theDawgs said...

I bet they didn't want to come home! What a great place for dogs to run around and smell new smells!:)

What beautiful scenery you have near your new home. Thanks for sharing!!

Jenny Holden said...

Yes thrift is a native plant. You find it mostly on rocky or shingle shores by the sea but also on the mountains. It's really pretty :o)