I've been keeping this a bit quiet but now that it looks as though it is happening, I can't hold it in any longer, it's just too exciting!
On Thursday I hopped on a very early train to Edinburgh. I had a knot of butterflies in my stomach and every five minutes flicked through a pile of papers, desperately practising a presentation and ensuring that I knew as many facts as possible about reintroducing species and community involvement in conservation projects.
I had managed to get an interview for the position of Knapdale Beaver Field Trial Officer. Funnily enough, I'd had an odd gut instinct about this job ever since I saw it advertised, but I tried to force myself to see reason: I was up against some very strong competition!

The interview was held at Edinburgh Zoo in their mansion house. It is a big old hall with real atmosphere. I was left to wait in a lounge that could have been straight out of a Jane Austin novel. After what seemed like an age, I was shown through to a rather imposing interview room, complete with huge dark wood table and wall to wall shelves of ancient tomes.
I shan't go into the detail of the interview here. Bits of it went well, but I was so nervous that I felt that I rambled in places and walked out kicking myself for missing out loads of important information that I'd hoped to get across. Too late now though, all I could do was wait.
At 9.30 the next morning I got the phone call. "Oh wow!" Was the first thing to leave my mouth.
Chris and I will be moving up at the end of January and I'm hoping to secure some sheep grazing as quickly as possible.
What a week!
Well done. What will the new job entail
Wow! That is fabulous. How far is the move and like Denise said "What will you be doing?"
How WONDERFUL, Jenny!! I am so very proud of you. Beavers!! I love beavers. Two of my very favorite books, of all time, (I read them when I was in elementary school) were written by an author named Emil. E. Lears and were titled "An Otter Story" and "The Beaver Story". I sitll remember some of the characters: Aloka, Akella, Helena...
Such fond memories you've unearthed!
Congratulations on the new job and best of luck to you and Chris in finding the perfect place to live!
Thanks everyone. Nancy I'll have to look those books up: I'm sure I'd enjoy the read and I might find some good beaver names!
I'll be releasing four families of beavers (about 25) into the trial site at Knapdale, monitoring their progress and radio tracking them to keep tabs on what they get up to, collecting data with researchers, liaising with the local community and running educational events, organising media coverage and lots of other stuff to do with reintroducing a species that has been missing for 400 years! My dream job!
HI Jen.
This is magnificent news for you both.
I was upset at not being able to give you a reference for this job, but only because there was only person in it.
What with Beavers in Scotland, and Eagle Owl in Bristol, seems to me the UK just started smiling again.
Well done Jen and Chris.
Congrats! :) That's simply amazing! Now I'm very jealous to know *why* you're moving to Scotland! Might have to take a trip someday.... ;-)
Congratulations!! Sounds like you impressed them just fine, even with the nervousness! How wonderful to get your dream job, not many people can ever say that!
Can't wait to see your new place and scenery!
Big news, indeed! Moving the sheep "home," huh?
Congratulation Jenny - We'll look forward to hearing all about your new adventures.
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