I've been keeping this a bit quiet but now that it looks as though it is happening, I can't hold it in any longer, it's just too exciting!
On Thursday I hopped on a very early train to Edinburgh. I had a knot of butterflies in my stomach and every five minutes flicked through a pile of papers, desperately practising a presentation and ensuring that I knew as many facts as possible about reintroducing species and community involvement in conservation projects.
I had managed to get an interview for the position of
Knapdale Beaver Field Trial Officer. Funnily enough, I'd had an odd gut instinct about this job ever since I saw it advertised, but I tried to force myself to see reason: I was up against some very strong competition!

The interview was held at Edinburgh Zoo in their mansion house. It is a big old hall with real atmosphere. I was left to wait in a lounge that could have been straight out of a Jane Austin novel. After what seemed like an age, I was shown through to a rather imposing interview room, complete with huge dark wood table and wall to wall shelves of ancient tomes.
I shan't go into the detail of the interview here. Bits of it went well, but I was so nervous that I felt that I rambled in places and walked out kicking myself for missing out loads of important information that I'd hoped to get across. Too late now though, all I could do was wait.
At 9.30 the next morning I got the phone call. "Oh wow!" Was the first thing to leave my mouth.
Chris and I will be moving up at the end of January and I'm hoping to secure some sheep grazing as quickly as possible.
What a week!