Monday 22 September 2008

Sheepish Art

I've had an arty week this last week. My friend Dave had his MA exhibition of glass animal footprints on Wednesday night (photos to follow as they are on my work pc), and Ellie held an exhibition of her lovely fleece creations. Ellie is a fellow Shetland Sheep fan and keeper and is buying some of my fleeces. I'm thrilled to think that they will be turned into such fabulous creations.

Her exhibition showcased items for a journey through life, beginning with birth:wouldn't you just love to snuggle a baby up in one of these little cradles?

Or hang a mobile like this above their cot?

This fabulous tent was to symbolise buying a first house. Those aren't skins (Ellie is vegetarian) but cotted fleeces and large pieces of felt. I was told that the cotted parts of Rosy and Rebbecca's fleeces were useless, but Ellie says that a cotted fleece can make a great rug.

The blanket on a lovely snug bed represents getting older and beginning to appreciate creature comforts. I so want to make one of these for our bed at home, it's beautiful and so warm.

The final stage is of course death. This is actually Ellie's coffin that she has made for herself! Talk about going off in style!


Tammy W. said...

Fantastic Stuff Jenny! I especially love the little mobile, such creative use of the fleeces. And I always say - no part of the fleece is ever wasted. We even take all the tags when we skirt, and use them in the bottom of planted pots - keeps the plants moist, and fertilizes too!

Jenny Holden said...

I love the mobile too. I'm going on one of Ellie's courses this Autumn to learn how to use my own fleeces. Thanks for the tip about using the tags, I'll be sure to do that!