Chris, Fox and I finally found some "us" time and had a lovely long walk along the local lanes and over the fields.

We crossed the very wobbly bridge across the river Lowther. Fox really doesn't like this bit of the walk! He doesn't mind doing a spot of posing for the camera though. What a handsome lad :o)

The boys take a breather at Knipe.
What FUN!
Fox looks absolutely massive for a BC!!
Yea, he's a bit of a beast!He stands about 24" and weighs around 27kg... and he's trim and well muscled, honest! He's all BC though, dual registered ISDS/KC (not that I'd ever bother with the KC stuff!).
Glad someone else has a "big" BC. Deefa our BC is the same size and the biggest softie going. I thought all BC were as big as him, but everyone says how big he is.
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