Saturday, 12 December 2009

Galtress Ptolemy

It has been a very long week; thank goodness it's Saturday and for once I don't have to do anything beaver related!

Unfortunately, as is the way of things with my life this year, Chris and I had to spend half the day looking for a missing tup lamb because someone left the gate open. How is anyone stupid enough to leave a gate open when sheep are inside? We didn't find him so tomorrow will be more of the same. We had to abandon the search eventually because I also had to go and see the girls and Ptolomy while I had light left to do so.

Seeing the rest of the flock really cheered me up and I actually took the time to sit down in the field and enjoy watching them for once. I'm pretty exhaused from working 16 hour days (and nights until 3.30 am) catching beavers this week. I think that the sheep were pleased to see me too!

The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed that the ewe lambs Kate and Lunde are in there. They were split off, but had other ideas and after they had broken in two days in a row, despite being two fields away, I decided to let them stay (Tolly was running round after them both when I arrived so chances are that they are tupped anyway!) In doing this I am of course going against everything I've always said about breeding from gimmers. Oh well, they are well grown and fit, and I know plenty of other folk who breed from gimmers. I'll see how we get on and monitor closely. If they don't hold this year then that's fine!

I'm very pleased with Tolly, he is ever such a friendly little chap and came over for a chin scratch. The girls seem to like him too.

On looking at him today, he most likely is a grey spotted katmoget, but a very patterned one. The thing that puts me off him being katmoget is his face. My other spotted kat, Robina, is yuglet but the pattern still shows. Margaret thoughtfully gave me a photo of him as a lamb which I'll have to scan in because it shows his amazing bersugget markings and they're beautiful. You can still find the various shades of grey if you part his fleece in different places.

He was far to busy to stand around for fleece shots today though!


Annie said...

The love you have for your flock shines through in your photos. Just beautiful animals.
A x

Carol said...

What do you do with the beavers once you catch them?

Jenny Holden said...

Thank you Wipso :o)

Carol: they are measured, health checked, have samples taken and given new tags if needed. More info on the beaver blog. Link down the side of the page :o)

Denise said...

I hope you find your little top lamb.
Your new ram looks a really fine boy. Be interesting to see how his lambs turn out, and good luck with the gimmers

Jude said...

Hello Jenny,
wow, what a life!
We are surrounded by goats and sheep here but I don't think they are looked after anywhere near as well as yours.
Look forward to hearing from you again .
Take care

Rayna said...

Sure looks like a spotted grey katmoget to me! You can send me his fleece, by the way....looks VERY yummy!

Kathy said...

Hi, Jenny! It's been quite a while since I visited your blog and have so enjoyed playing "catch up". What wonderful posts!
I had to laugh at the "Sheep scrum" post as it reminded me of watching rugby when visiting family in NZ. How right you are as my sheep "scrum" as well.
I wanted to ask you what time of year you shear? My sheep look like coloured cotton wool on toothpicks as their fleeces are quite a bit longer than the sheep in your photos. I wonder if it's our very cold weather and altitude that attributes to long, thick fleece this time of year???
Thank you for sharing yourself and your flock with us.

Jenny Holden said...

Thank you for the lovely comments folks. Tolly seems quite happy in his new home.

Kathy: my sheep were mostly sheared in the first week of July. I say mostly because I sheared half (I do it myself by rooing and handshears) and then it rained for weeks and they were always wet! I had to do them whenever I got the opportunity. I wasn't the only one around these parts with the problem. My girls vary a lot in fleece length. Some are very crimpy and short, others have a longer more lusterous staple. I'd like some more length (but not extreme) so intended to use a longer fleeced tup... but Tolly had so much else to offer that I love and breeding programmes are long processes!