So now I have two awards to pass on. This will be a wordy blog so please enjoy the photos of my beautiful dogs...

Honest Scrap Award rules:"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on! "

So here goes with ten honest things...
1. According to Jung's personality test I'm a Dominant, Introverted, Abstact, Thinker!
2. I really hate upsetting people and am really hard on myself if I think that I have.
3. Usually I haven't upset anyone... I can be a bit over sensitive!
4. I tend to have fingers in too many pies and don't believe in "spare" time.
5. My beliefs are strongly Druid but I don't practice any religion.
6. If I won the lottery I wouldn't quit my job... but my sheep would have nice big fields!
7. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone than with Chris. He's my soulmate.
8. I'm an avid reader and always have at least three books on the go.
9. Now and again I really like to dress up nice and be a bit girly... but not too girly!
10. I secretly really enjoy indulging in a bit of trashy TV. I'm a bit of a Casualty/Holby addict!
So there you go, that's a snapshot of me!

I hereby pass on this award to:
Emilie's Scrapbook Emilie comes from the Stunning Alpine town of Chamonix but now lives in Askham, Cumbria with her lovely boyfriend Ian. They were our neighbours before we moved. I think Fox and Whisper still miss their collie Cally! Emilie is so creative with her scrapbooks and photography.
Michelle's Boulderneigh blog always looks lovely with it's snazzy backgrounds so is well deserving of a design award. Her photos of her lovely flock and garden give a lovely insight into her life and I love the fiber projects too, especially the socks!
Nancy's A Shepherd's Voice blog always has such stunning photos of her beautiful sheep, they always make me smile. I always wanted spotty Shetlands, but now I'm very keen on having an "HST" flock :o)
More gorgeous Shetlands and super photos can be found on Corinne's Crosswinds Farm blog. I enjoy reading about Corinne's menagerie, although the undead chickens were a bit scary!
There is always something going on at Rayna's North Star Shetlands blog whether it's guessing the colour of baby mice, or watching a very vain peacock with a mirror!
For a bit of sheepy variety, a mention must go to Claire's Whispering Acres blog. Here you will find Icelandic sheep, along with a whole farmyard full of goats, donkeys, Llama's and many more.
I love the tales of life on Mim's Desert Peach Farm, there's always something going on. I also love her LGD Jake... and the sheep of course :o)
So there we go, consider your blogs awarded!

Now to pass on the Butterfly Award.

1. More wonderful Shetlands: Tammy's Kalwa Taure Shetlands
2. The blog of the Maalie King himself
3. My very good friend Chris Sperring's blog
4. Wildlife surveying star Cally's blog
5. Scout and Mirk both have great blogs. They're news hounds!
6. Wonderful wildlife adventures at Wildlife Around Us.
7. Garrett has all the sheepy answers at Ramsay Farms
8. Fabulous food and lovely livestock at Antiquity Oaks
9. Proper Yorkshire life with Denise at Being a Smallholder
10. Shetlands and sheepdogs at Silveraurora
So I have to limit myself to ten for now... but there are many more. If it's listed down the side of my blog, it's cool! Trust me!
This was a very wordy post. So here is one more self indulgent photo of my gorgeous boy...