What a wonderful night. My friend Ruth once again hosted a fabulous Solstice gathering last night in the field, beside her yurt. The bonfire glowed, halloumi cheese toasted golden brown in the skillet, and bottles of wine, whiskey and a demijohn of homemade cider, were emptied with gay abandon. We watched the sun finally give way to the moon's briefest appearance of the year, and then return to flood the land with light and declare that summer is indeed here. All the while the aureate whine of fiddle strings filled the air as Wal, Scott and Ruth drew their bows swiftly and rhythmically, providing melody to compliment Paddy's acoustic guitar and the deep reverberating sound of James' double bass.
The sky was clear, the air still and the constant babble of the beck provided the perfect background to the music and happy chatter.

While the human folk sat about the fire, the canine members of the party were in their element. Fox joined Poppy, Tig, Miller and Jess, running free through the long meadow grass and splashing through the cool water. Fox and Tig simply didn't stop all night forming their own mini collie pack. There are puppy plans afoot for this autumn, I think that their combination of characteristics could produce some cracking pups. .. but more of that if, and when, it happens.