Two weeks off, two whole weeks all to myself. What would you expect someone to do with two weeks available for rest and joyous wandering... possibly not take on two extra jobs! I do wonder at myself sometimes. The local uni called needing a lecturer for their Wildlife Rehabilitation course which I taught last year. I explained that I didn't have a day to spare each week and they
kindly said that that was fine because we could squash the whole thing into my weeks off! So I have spent 5 days of my break lecturing and writing lesson plans.

Apart from this I had already promised to refresh my film production skills and make a promotional video for the Red Squirrel project along with my friend Paul Nichols who is shaping into an excellent wildlife camera man. I dragged my good friend Chris Sperring up from Somerset to present it too. . It was so horrendously windy that we struggled to get the shots we needed because of the noise in the tops of the trees. We had fun though and I'm sure it will all turn out fine in the end...
Thanks for all the fascinating glimpses of a different landscape and culture!
Hi, Jenny!
I found your link through both Michelle's and Nancy's blogs. I have enjoyed visiting your site!
Hey Jen.
Great to be with you again for the filming of Red Squirrel SOS project. You did a great job I'm sure of that, creativity in windy conditions was a must.
By the way wild Barn Owls here in Gods Country (Somerset) on eggs already here's to another early season, and one of double broods.
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