Boy did it snow last weekend?! Funnily enough though I was staying with my parents in Ulverston where there was none so when Chris called me at 6am, enthusing enthusiastically about the "half-foot of beautiful white stuff" that was blanketing our village, I was a little miffed. I'd committed myself to spending the day getting some fencing done and introducing Granny to the sheep.
Dad had drawn the short straw of giving me a hand for the morning and so we set off in good time to get cracking. As we traveled we went from green fields, to icing sugar sprinkled, to a good big white blanket that covered the land from mountain tops to road side.
The sheep were very happy to see the car edging its way down the snowy track and came running to greet us at the gate. I gave them some hay which they munched happily for a while before the novelty wore off and they pottered away to dig out grass from beneath the snow.

Dad and I hammered in a line of posts and felt very pleased with ourselves, despite the underground rocks that had caused two to suddenly kink over into an irrecoverable lean.
In excellent time, as our muscles started to ache, Mam, Kate and Granny arrived to see the sheep and take us off for an Easter Sunday pub lunch. Granny made friends with the sheep first and said all the right things about how pretty they are :o) In the meantime, Kate busied herself building a snow sheep!

After lunch the family took off home, but Wal and Ruth had appeared with a fresh enthusiasm for fencing so we carried on and got the netting on the posts. The result was ever so slightly wonky but still a smart looking new fence. Only a couple of hundred meters to go now!

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