I know I've been a bit slow getting back onto the blog since moving, but things are soooo hectic and we still don't have internet at home because we're so far out in the sticks!

However, here is a little post to bridge the gap and some nice photos of our new home in the snow to boot. I fly to Devon on Monday to visit my new charges for the first time. The beavers are currently in quarantine and will be coming up to Scotland at the end of May. Lots to do before then but I shall do my best to keep the blog up to date.
Fox and Whisper are loving their new home. Whisp thinks that the new chairs are comfy if a bit small...

Fox is enjoying miles and miles of forest trails to explore.

Chris and I have been doing some tracking in the snow. This is a Red Squirrel...

And also admiring the lovely views.

That's it just now folks, I'm hoping to get some blog reading in soon! xx